Milano “Guardians of the Galaxy” Theme and skins for Rainmeter.

Before going into detail about the skins, which includes this Theme, I want to start by explaining that is Rainmeter.
Rainmeter is a tool to customize your desktop, allowing you to create and develop widgets based on a vast number of options to display data, such as: RAM usage, level of battery charge, Feed RSS, weather, storage capacity of hard drives, direct links to programs and folders, etc. All this is possible thanks to the availability of development Rainmeter, where there are no limits to the creativity of designers and developers.
Rainmeter is available for Windows operating systems on their versions XP, Vista, 7 and 8. To learn more about Rainmeter, and to download the program I invite you to visit for more information.
I proudly present: “MILANO” SKIN FOR RAINMETER.
The design of this skin is inspired by the operating system using computers milano m-ship used by peter quill and the guardians of the galaxy.

This skin is designed to dimensions of 1360×768, however, is operative to other screen sizes. Along with the downloadable package comes incorporated a Wallpaper and fonts used in this Theme.
This package contains the following skin: (1.0 Version):
- NOTES – You can write notes or reminders, you have five tabs to categorize your notes. No need to open the text editor, you can edit your notes directly on the skin.
- MUSIC PLAYER – A mini music player with the most basic features to select and play your music.
- RSS READER – You can add four RSS, this skin captures the first 5 news of each feed.
- ACCESS DIRECT – 8 shortcuts to executable programs on your pc.
- CPANEL – In the control panel has 5 buttons to perform common tasks corresponding to off and on Windows, empty the Recycle Bin and configure each of the skins of this Theme.
- FOLDER OPEN – 9 buttons to open folders within your Windows system.
- GALLERY – An image viewer that displays a set of images (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.bmp) in a specific folder.
- VOLUME – Adjust the speaker volume.
- STATUS BAR –Displays system data such as: iP address, free RAM, system up time, Net in, net out and time.
- MENU BAR – A menu with 4 items: settings, help, about and show date.
- SETTINGS – A dashboard that makes it easy to change settings and parameters available for each of the skins.
This skin is designed to dimensions of 1360×768, however, is operative to other screen sizes. Along with the downloadable package comes incorporated a Wallpaper and fonts used in this Theme.
Installation Process.
Required to have installed the latest version of Rainmeter. Once downloaded file, just click on the executable so that the issue is automatically installed. If you have questions about the installation of Themes and Skins, follow this mini-tutorial you found on the website of Rainmeter.
This skin is available for download only in DevianArt.
Do not hesitate to discuss your questions or suggestions in the comments area.
ENJOY!! @TheClick_art